
The Moneytizer vs Google Adsense


google adsense

Google Adsense is undoubtedly the best known and most important player in online advertising in the world.  Indeed, its keyword/banner purchasing platform called Google Ads allows the American giant to benefit from millions of advertising campaigns every day in order to broadcast them on its network of affiliated publishers Google Adsense.

Faced with an advertising power like Google’s, every publisher (= website owner) has the right to ask himself why Google is not the advertising solution used by the biggest online media in the world?

What are the pros and cons of Google Adsense?

Advantages of Google Adsense:

  • Allows you to benefit from thousands of campaigns on your site
  • A very detailed dashboard which allows you to track the daily activity of each of the ads integrated on your site
  • Possibility to monetize your website from its creation without audience limit

Disadvantages of Google Adsense:

  • Google can decide from one day to the next to blacklist your site without any warning and without giving any clear reason for this rejection 
  • With a remuneration based on a CPC system (cost per click), this means that your visitors must click on your ads to allow you to generate advertising revenue. The publisher is therefore dependent on the campaigns offered.
  • According to Google, less than 1% of your visitors will click on your banners. The direct consequence is that in case of a limited audience, your income will be very low or non-existent.
  • Google is a real “black box” when it comes to calculating the value of your ads. Its monopoly status on many sites allows it to determine the value of your impressions without any transparency.
  • No one is dedicated to your account to help you with your monetization. The only possible contacts are via a form to fill in on your space.

What is the difference between Google Adsense and The Moneytizer?

Unlike Google Adsense, the advertising solution developed by The Moneytizer is based on the biggest advertising open source project ever created: Prebid

Faced with the monopoly imposed by Google on too many publishers, all the major players in online advertising are now working on a technology called “Header Bidding” with the aim of being able to access the advertising space of millions of publishers every day. 

The goal: for each ad displayed on your site, all of these players are put into competition so that the publisher always receives the best possible price for its advertising space. It is a real auction in real time that is carried out each time your page is loaded. This way, you are sure to optimize the revenue generated by the advertising.

This technology is based on a remuneration system very different from the CPC proposed by Google Adsense : CPM.

With a CPM remuneration, it is a price for 1000 sold impressions (even if none of your visitors click on the banners) which is proposed. The curve of your traffic evolves in the same direction as your income.

But then, why don’t all publishers use Header Bidding on their sites instead of Google? 

Header Bidding based on the global Prebid technology is a complicated implementation to set up on your website and has several disadvantages when you are not a monetization specialist:  

  • A solid technical foundation is required to implement the basics of Prebid
  • Once the integration is complete, you then need to sign contracts with all the compatible advertising players to allow them to bid on your advertising spaces
  • An audience limit is most often imposed by most players to work with your site
  • Prebid does not allow you to have a unique dashboard and you will have to go to each of your partners’ spaces to know the income generated by each one
  • Daily adjustments are necessary in order to optimize your monetization and stay up to date on the evolution of technology

As you can see, Header Bidding and the Prebid solution allow you to significantly increase your advertising revenues compared to Google Adsense but the implementation of these solutions requires A LOT of time and a real investment on your website.

While the world’s largest media companies have dedicated monetization teams, the millions of smaller publishers cannot easily access these cutting-edge technologies.

The Moneytizer, your all-in-one Header Bidding solution

Faced with the fact that Header Bidding was not accessible to all site owners in the world, The Moneytizer quickly took the decision to democratize this technology in order to benefit its entire network of publishers. 

We now have more than 50,000 publishers worldwide, monetizing their website with Header Bidding thanks to The Moneytizer. 

Here are the advantages of The Moneytizer instead of Google Adsense:

  • To benefit from the Header Bidding technology via the integration of a simple tag (= piece of javascript code) on its site
  • All the connections with the world’s biggest advertising players are already made for you. Only one partner to talk to: The Moneytizer
  • A unique dashboard that enables you to follow your revenues and daily CPM for each ad unit on your pages
  • A payout at 50€ instead of 70€ at Google Adsense
  • A smart ad refresh technology (based on visibility) to increase the ad revenues generated by the visitors that spend time on your website
  • An R&D team which makes sure you always benefit from the latest updates of the open source project: Prebid
  • A dedicated Account Manager to help you with your monetization on a daily basis

Comparative table The Moneytizer VS Google Adsense VS Direct Prebid Integration

PartnerRemuneration systemPayoutRequired technical skillsHeader BiddingAgreements with all advertising partnersSmart Refresh Dedicated Account Manager 
The MoneytizerCPM50€NoYesNoYesYes
Google AdsenseCPC70€NoNoNoNoNo
Prebid IntegrationCPMDepending on each partnerYesYesYesNoNo

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