
FAQ The Moneytizer

Wordpressをお使いの場合ですと、多くのパブリッシャー様がウェブサイト上にads.txtファイルを追加する手段として以下のプラグインを使用しております。プラグインでAds.txtを追加する とても人気
How do I get The Moneytizer's ads.txt file to update automatically?
In order to always sell the advertising space on your site at the best price, it is essential to integrate the file provided by The Moneytizer in the root of your site. Here is a step by step in how to integrate the file properly: ${color}[#ff0000](IMPORTANT: If you have already installed an ADS.TXT file with other advertising networks other than The Moneytizer. It is important to keep this file with all the appropriate lines at the root of your site. With that being said, there must only be one ADS.TXT file with all the advertising partners and companies in which you are working with. The system developed by The Moneytizer SAVES all the ads.txt lines of all your other partners.) Log in to your personal space The Moneytizer thanks to the following link: https://www.themoneytizer.com/manager/login Select the website where you want to integrate the ads.txt file Then go to the bottom of the site page to download the ads_tm.php file needed for the integration. To integrate the files in the root of your site, you need to have the "ftp codes" of your server. Depending on the host you have chosen, these may be in different places on your host's site. An example is on the OVH interface: Go to the "Hosting" tab on the left side and click on your site. At the top of the window, click on "FTP-SSH" and retrieve the following information: ftp server / Login / Password To communicate with your server, you need to use ftp client software. One of the best known on the market is Filezilla. You can download it for free for PC or MAC from the official website: https://filezilla.fr/ . Once the installation is complete, launch the software. It is presented in a simple way: on the left is the content of your computer and on the right is the content of your server (the files of your website) once the connection is established. To connect to your site, click on "File" and then "Site Managers". At the bottom of the window, click on "New Site" and name your site as you wish. Fill in the following boxes with the information collected from your host. From the "Authentication Type" drop-down menu, select "Normal". Host: corresponds to the IP of the server (FTP Server). On OVH, it looks like this: "ftp.cluster...". Login: corresponds to your host login Password: your host password Once all this is completed, click on "Login". The files of your site now appear in the box on the right of the Filezilla software. In the right window, click on " www " (or equivalent for another host) to access the root of your site. If you are using WordPress on your site, you should see the "wp-content" folder (see image below). On the left window (your computer), right-click on the ads_tm.php file you have downloaded and click on "Send". The file is directly transferred to the root of your site. ${color}[#ff0000](WARNING: the file MUST NOT be placed in the "wp-content" folder but ON THE SAME LEVEL of the tree structure of your site.) Then open the .htaccess file already present on your server (right column on Filezilla). Copy and paste the following 2 lines at the beginning of your .htaccess : RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^ads.txt$ ads_tm.php Save changes. To check that the file is in place on your website, it is important to compare the following addresses on your browser http(s)://www.yourwebsite.com/ads_tm.php (with only the lines of the ads.txt file of The Moneytizer) http(s)://www.yourwebsite.com/ads.txt (with all the lines of ads.txt The Moneytizer + the other lines of the rest of your ad platforms.) ||| The content of both addresses must be the same. Then click on the button 'Check your ads.txt file' from your personal space. If you have any questions or difficulties inserting your file? Our team is at your disposal to help you. Do not hesitate to write us from the online chat present in your personal space とても人気
Ads.txt File
There are two ways to integrate the ads.txt file into your website Automatic: the ads.txt file will be updated automatically, this means there will be no need of further actions. Your ads.txt file will be always on the latest version. You can find all the instructions in this link Manually: every time there is a new version of our ads.txt file you have to updated. You can read detailed instructions on how to integrate the ads.txt file into your website step by step directly on this link It is IMPORTANT that you take a few things into account! Google Adsense and other ad platforms If you have already installed an ADS.TXT file with more advertising networks other than The Moneytizer, it is important to add the entire content of our file in order to be able to show every advertising partner via our platform. With that being said, there must only be one ADS.TXT file with the information of all the companies with which you working with in advertising. In this file you must include the content of The Moneytizer ADS.TXT. If you already work with GOOGLE ADSENSE, you must include your Adsense account information in our ads.txt file before uploading the ads.txt file to your site. Generally, it is a single line such as type google.com, pub-XXXXXXXXXXXX, DIRECT, XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. At this link you can see how to find your Adsense account line for the ads.txt file. How do I check if my ads.txt file is properly integrated? To verify that the file has been successfully integrated on your site, just enter the following address directly into your browser for the manual version: http(s)://www.yourwebsite.com/ads.txt for the automatic version: It is important to compare the following addresses on your browser http(s)://www.yourwebsite.com/ads_tm.php (with only the lines of the ads.txt file of The Moneytizer) http(s)://www.yourwebsite.com/ads.txt (with all the lines of ads.txt The Moneytizer + the other lines of the rest of your ad platforms.) ||| The content of both addresses must be the same. Then click on the button 'Check your ads.txt file' from your personal space. This button is located next to the file download button. To access it, click on the name of your website first and then go to the bottom of the page | You must click on this button in order to generate your advertising tags.| Latest version Remember that you can also see at any time an updated version of the ads.txt in this link or download it from your personal space. とても人気
こちらのリンクにはBloggerにads.txtファイルを追加する方法が記載されていますので、ご参照ください。 Few readings
とても簡単です!皆様のアカウント内ダッシュボード(The Moneybox)左側にございます「ADS.TXT」より「手動設定」を選択し、「統合の確認」をクリックします。もしファイルが最新であるにもかかわらずエラー表示となった場合は遠慮なくご連絡ください。弊社側より確認させていただきます。 Some readings
なぜ Ads.txtを更新する必要がありますか?
The Moneytizerは定期的にAds.txtを更新するよう各運営者様にお願いをしております。追加していただく新しいAds.txtの行は皆さまのウェブサイトに接続されている新しい広告パートナーに対応しております。こちらの新しい広告パートナーを追加することにより、The Moneytizerはそれぞれの広告の競争力を高め皆さまの収益を最大化致します。 Popular