
The Moneytizerを始めるには?



まずはウェブサイトからご登録ください。登録のためのウィンドウが開きますので、以下の情報を入力してください。情報を入力し、「Start monetizing」をクリックしてください。その後、あなたのウェブサイトを追加し、重要な情報を記入することができるメンバーポータル(私たちはmoneyBoxと呼んでいます)にアクセスできるようになります。

Add your website


Your Moneybox

Your Moneybox

Your member portal, which we refer to as The Moneybox, is divided into different sections.

Dashboard: you will find all the daily statistics of your websites by ad unit. Statistics are updated daily at 19:00 CET. 

My websites: you can find relevant information about your websites.

My reports: you can export all the data you need for your personal analysis

My profile: this is where you will find your personal information.

My invoices: here is where you will find your invoices. Invoices are automatically generated when your account reaches $50. You will receive your payment 60 days after the date of the issued invoice.

Referral program: here is where you will find your referral code which allows you to earn 15$ for every new user you refer. The credit will be activated once the referred website has earned 1$ showing ads.

Ad units: find and add the best ad units to your site in a few clicks

Ads.txt: find and install our ads.txt file in a few clicks

Consent banner: manage your consent banner and find your complementary banner.

Wordpress: did you know we have a WordPress plugin?

FAQ: find all the responses to your questions with easy


Our monetization solution is easy to integrate with only one tag, and a consent banner you can start monetizing right away. Even if you have a Wordpress website, we offer a Wordpress plugin for you to use directly with your site, to follow this integration process click on “Wordpress integration”.


Regular Integration


ADS.txt (Authorized Digital Sellers) is a text file that every site owner who monetizes their audience must integrate. Launched by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) to fight illegitimate publishers' fraud, this new standard is critical to transparency in online advertising.

That is why most advertisers have stopped buying ads on sites that have not integrated the ADS.txt file. It is, therefore, essential to place the file provided by The Moneytizer in the root directory of your site.

You can find the up to date ADS.txt directly into your Moneybox. We recommend to integrate the automatic tag, as we are updating it regularly it will be updating it self without you having to di anything. Once it is in place no need to touch it anymore.

Important: only if you integrated manually


Google Adsenseを使用している場合は、ads.txtファイル内にGoogle Publisher IDを追加する必要があります。google.com、pub- XXXXXXXXXXXXXX、DIRECT、XXXXXXXXXXXXXX


- マニュアル版:http(s)://www.yourwebsite.com/ads.txt

- 自動バージョン:http(s)://www.yourwebsite.com/ads_tm.php AND http(s)://www.yourwebsite.com/ads.txt


Integrate a consent banner

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European regulation that protects user privacy information . All websites that receive any traffic from the EU must implement a Consent Banner also known as Consent Management Platform (CMP). Approximately half of our Sell-Side Platforms (SSPs) will not mediate or bid on your ad spaces if you have not integrated this banner. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate the CMP to maximize your ad revenue. We offer the consent banner from Quantcast available for download on the dashboard but you are free to use any consent banner that is IAB compatible. After you have chosen the language for your website, a script will be presented below. You can copy it and add it to the script of your website.



「get the tag」をクリックすると、JSコードが表示されます。これは、お客様のウェブサイトとその広告フォーマットに固有のものです。このコードをウェブサイトのスクリプトに直接追加してください。



Tips :

同じタグを同じページに2つ設置する事は出来ません。同じIDの広告フォーマットは互いに接して表示されます。The Moneytizerは代わりに使用できる別のフォーマットがあります。


Wordpress integration


This step is taking place in the plugin directly on your WordPress admin dashboard. In the plugin page search for The Moneytizer and download our plugin. To do so enter you ID and connect to your moneybox so you will be able to find all the information of your moneybox in your plugin.



Once connected you can add our Ads.txt file automatically and manually directly from the plugin. You can chose to integrate them automatically and manually in the “Format” page.


Automatic placement: Some formats can be placed automatically on your site. You will recognize them because a checkbox will be present in the "Automatic Activation" column. By checking this box and clicking on "Save" the format will be placed directly in the "head" of your pages and will appear normally when they are consulted.

Non-automatic placement: The easiest way to place formats with the plugin is to use the "Widgets". You have to select and place the widget "The Moneytizer" where you want to place the format and choose the format in question.

Whether the plugin is activated or not, you can also use the "Custom HTML" or "Text" widgets to directly copy and paste the code of the format you want to place. You will find this code in the "Formats" tab of the plugin or in your personal space on our site.

guide guide


You should NOT place the same tag two times in the same page. The ad formats with a same ID will appear stuck one to each other. The Moneytizer has different formats you can use instead, you can find them here.


- マニュアル版:http(s)://www.yourwebsite.com/ads.txt

- 自動バージョン:http(s)://www.yourwebsite.com/ads_tm.php AND http(s)://www.yourwebsite.com/ads.txt


Integrate a consent banner

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European regulation that protects user privacy information . All websites that receive any traffic from the EU must implement a Consent Banner also known as Consent Management Platform (CMP). Approximately half of our Sell-Side Platforms (SSPs) will not mediate or bid on your ad spaces if you have not integrated this banner. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate the CMP to maximize your ad revenue. We offer the consent banner from Quantcast available for download on the dashboard but you are free to use any consent banner that is IAB compatible.

After you have chosen the language for your website, a script will be presented below. You can copy it and add it to the script of your website.



  • サイトに最適な広告フォーマットを選択しましょう。ビジターの目に留まりやすい枠に広告を掲載するのがベストです。

  • 最適化がキー。広告が多すぎると広告収益は減少します。一番良いのはウェブサイト内にうまく合うような邪魔にならないフォーマットを選ぶことです。ビジターにとって邪魔になってしまわないように1ページあたり2~3フォーマットを超えないことを推奨しております。

  • 可能であれば、当社の広告フォーマットを(サイドバーに)「追尾」ウィジェットとして配置することをお勧めします。追尾機能の統合例と情報をご覧ください。

  • スキンタグを含める場合、最適化するためにウェブサイトのコード内にhtmlコードが表示されている必要があります。

The Moneytizerは、プラットフォームに登録されているすべてのウェブサイトに対して、独自の広告最適化サービスを提供しています。私たちの目標は、お客様の広告収入を向上させることです。そのために、弊社のアカウント・マネージャーがあなたのウェブサイトを検証し、ウェブサイトのパフォーマンスを向上させるための最適な提案をお手伝いします。完全に無料で、マネーボックスから直接最適化またはアクティベーションコールをリクエストすることができます。